how are you doing recently

絕對無問題. 你既答法比較正統 想輕鬆D既可以: 1. doing great! ( 美國口語多數係咁) 2. fine, and you? 除左fine, 仲可以用其他字代替e.g. excellent , good

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  • 文章一開始提到問候語當中最常見到的一個錯誤「你最近好嗎?」正確的說法是: How have you been (doing) recently? 好英文藏在細節裡,還有太多英文說不...
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  • 文章一開始提到問候語當中最常見到的一個錯誤「你最近好嗎?」正確的說法是:How have you been (doing) recently? 熟到老外都覺得你英文好,加入量身訂做...
    「How are you recently?」這句英文哪裡錯了? - 世界公民文化中 ...
  • Hi there: I'm not sure why "how are you recently?" is wrong. Is it better to...
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    How are you doing recently? does this sound natural? | ...
  • 絕對無問題. 你既答法比較正統 想輕鬆D既可以: 1. doing great! ( 美國口語多數係咁) 2. fine, and you? 除左fine, 仲可以用其他字代替e....
    How are you recently? | Yahoo 知識+
  • 而若是被問到How are you doing? 時,常常還有點不知道如何回應,愣了一下才回神 當我實際到了美國生活一段時間後,發現美國人很少人會回答fine,如果不是這幾天過得太...
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  • I would not say either of those. I would only ask "How have you been recently?" ...
    Do you say "how have you been recently?"? | WordRe ...
  • In England, "How do you do?" was until recently a commonplace greeting. The corr...
    meaning - Difference between "How are you?" and ...
  • 中国人常用How are you recently?跟外国人打招呼。昨天一个美国朋友告诉我,How are you recently非常Funny。因为recently不是最近的意...
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  • Hi, how are you? How are you doing? Here is an example of the beginning of an email writte...
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